Need Help with Clear Adhan?

We are here to assist you with any issues or questions regarding the Clear Adhan app. Please use the contact information below to reach out to our support team.

Contact Support

If you encounter any issues, have feedback, or need help with the app, feel free to email us at:



Q: How do I enable notifications for Adhan?

A: Make sure notifications are enabled for Clear Adhan in your device settings. You can do this by going to Settings > Notifications and allowing notifications for Clear Adhan.

Q: Can I customize the Adhan sound?

A: No, the Adhan sound is a fixed short version of about 5 seconds. However, you can mute notifications for a particular prayer time. Please note that changes may take a few hours to take effect as our notifications are scheduled daily.

Q: The prayer times seem incorrect, how can I fix this?

A: Ensure your location services are enabled and properly set in the app. You can also manually adjust the prayer time settings in the app if needed.

Q: How do I get an accurate Qibla direction?

A: To ensure the Qibla direction is accurate, please follow these steps:

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